Diseases Of The Heart

Kamarun Kalam BA SW/ BACP Acc
Published in
5 min readSep 22, 2020


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Diseases can manifest at two levels within our heart. The more commonly attributed diseases cause a malfunction within the physical muscle and ailments often require medical intervention. I am not a doctor. I am a Psychotherapist and the diseases that I am concerned with cause malfunction at a non-tangible level; within our spiritual heart.

I believe that all humans have a natural inclination to do good, and it’s when we go against this nature that we cause ourselves emotional and psychological distress. How we do this is by lying, cheating, stealing, backbiting and causing upset to others. It hurts our soul and can create sickness in the spiritual heart. This can cause us to feel uneasy and not at peace with ourselves. Often such feelings can overwhelm us and develop into psychological conditions including stress, anxiety and depression.

The ‘7 deadly sins’ are a familiar term used within most of the major world faiths and each one can cause physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual distress to individuals engaging in them. Lets examine each one in relation to the self:

Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels
  • 1 Gluttony-excess in eating and drinking/over-consumption of substances



Kamarun Kalam BA SW/ BACP Acc

Hi I’m a Social Worker, Psychotherapist, Family Mediator, Author and Supervisor. To learn more visit www.talkwellcounselling.co.uk 😃