Dissecting Emotional Intelligence

How does it help us and what happens if we don’t develop this crucial skill?

Christopher Boswell


Image by Sergey Novikov on Adobe Stock Photo

Whatever is begun in anger, ends in shame. — Benjamin Franklin

Your Default State

Who knows where it all starts, you’ve heard the question, nature or nurture right? For the purpose of this writing, it doesn’t really matter, the real question is “do we want to stay stuck?”

Somewhere along the line I started to say “a lesson I choose to learn” instead of blaming it on my parents or some other thing outside of me.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer used to say we choose our parents before coming into being. Even though that one is tough to get my head around, it helped me take more responsibility.

There was plenty of drama in my childhood home, accompanied by loud words being strewn about. My Mother would feel so much anxiety at times, she just had to lash out, then shut down having a cigarette trying to process her emotions. She was half of my role models.

The other half would also become emotional and flee, leaving me to wonder what was going on in his head. Teachers at school seemed very emotional back then as well.



Christopher Boswell

Owner | Creator | Photographer | Writer | Risk Taker | Arranging text & images for fun. CREATIVITY saved my life! https://www.realwindowmedia.com