Contemplations on the Divine Essence of Life and Reality!

Jamen Mendes
Published in
3 min readApr 4, 2024


The world is not History. The world is what is coming into Existence.
We’re not bound by what has happened, but instead woven into what is coming into Being. Every millisecond of Time we have an opportunity to co-create our incoming Reality.

Art (a Neter) by the Author, created using Leonardo.Ai

We are not fixed in either Time nor Space. We’re omnipresent in the Universe. We’re not our physical bodies but the spiritual vibrations of the very Being we call God. We’re not the children of God, but God Itself. We’re not living on Earth, but within an energetic envelope of Spiritual vibrations. We are not humans, but Beings of Divine frequency.

We’re living within a field of Revelation — a spiritual envelope filled with potentiality. We are Life living within “The Field” of Life! The entire Universe is a living Field of Divine Life. This Field is complete and non-destructive. It is infinite and multidimensional.

Thus, we’re not on Earth or on a planet within a solar system, spinning in a galaxy. We’re living within a Universe of physical and metaphysical presence. In fact, we are simultaneously present within the entire 11 dimensions of Reality.

We are made of Divine Love-Light. The Love-Light of our Being is made of Consciousness imbued with functions of creative powers. These powers are called Neteru



Jamen Mendes

Author, Musician, Metaphysician, and Artist. I write about Crypto, Spirituality, Consciousness, Art, and Reality.