Divine Insights: Understanding The Wisdom Of God

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." - Proverbs 9:10, Holy Bible

Justine Jacob


Photo by Colin Maynard on Unsplash

The monks or sanyasis lived in the wilderness for hundreds of years in almost every part of the world. Why did they choose to live in seclusion in the most uninhabited places on earth?

There are many monasteries or ashrams built in places far away from cities and the townships. Almost every religion teaches that if you want to live the holiest life, it is better not to marry but to live a life completely submitting to God. This means they have to practice the vows of celibacy, poverty, and obedience.

Living a life of austerity, fasting, and praying in the mountains or deserts helps a monk or sanyasi to drink the wisdom of God most uniquely as the almighty decides.

I would compare the wisdom of God to a large ocean where a saintly person can immerse and drink only a mouthful of wisdom during his lifetime.

The wisdom of God is a supernatural gift and cannot be attained by using your human faculties. One can attain wisdom only if you have deep humility of heart and complete submission of your life before the Almighty.

God's spirit teaches or induces into your psyche the mysteries of God and godly things. Regular reading of holy books like the Bible give us insights into the wisdom of God.

Pray for the wisdom and discernment. (James 5:16) says, “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective”. Let us be that “righteous man”, able to discern the difference between right and wrong, and then apply it to our lives! I pray to God, "Help me to see what I’m not seeing. If there are things I need to know before I make the decision, bring those to my attention. Help me to let go of worry, to rest in your grace."

A person who spends time in total silence away from the crowd can understand the mysteries of God more intimately and quickly than a common man entangled in the affairs of the world.

Let me make it very clear that what I wrote in this article is purely for people who want to be closer to God and senior citizens taking rest, who wish to spend a life of prayer for the rest of their lives.



Justine Jacob

After reading my thoughts on life you will be encouraged to come out of difficult situations in life. Lonely people will find meaning in their life.