Divorce Due to DadBod

by Ryan J

Ryan J


Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash

Could this be it!? The end of our 10-year marriage!?”

Gavin’s mind raced with fear and confusion as he lay there sprawled out on their worn-down black leather La-Z-Boy couch, scrolling through his wife’s latest Facebook posts. The din of a Netflix special on T.V kind enough to provide the backdrop to his panic.

Who the fuck is that guy in the picture!? The piece of shit. In fact, wasn’t that when we were on vacation just last month!? I recognize the hotel in the background. The kids were with us on that trip. How did she have time to sneak off and meet up with her ‘fancy man’? What the actual fuck!?”

The rage began to bubble inside causing a slight trickle of sweat to carve a pathway from his temple all the way down to his double chin, similar to that of a raindrop racing down a car’s windshield on a wet day as it tries to win an uncoordinated watery race.

What will I say to her when she comes home? Should I say anything? Will she admit to seeing someone on the side if I do bring it up? What about the kids?”

Question after question flood Gavin’s thoughts.

A tsunami of uncertainty, worry, turmoil and strife crashing around in his head.



Ryan J

From Northern Ireland 🍀 | Based in Sydney 🦘 | Writing about life, mindset and whatever else catches my attention.