Do Bilinguals Make More Money Than Monolingual People?

Being multilingual enhances the brain and improves social skills. Knowing more languages can even land you a high-paying job



@alexisrbrown on Unsplash

Do multilingual individuals earn more money? This is a quite controversial question. Multilingual people are valued as employees more than monolinguals, meaning they have more job opportunities or responsibilities.

But there hasn’t been any research that proved that a monolingual and multilingual with the same job position earns differently.

Better career opportunities for polyglots

Foreign language skills really boost you in the eyes of employers. Multilingualism can be perceived as the hottest skill for job seekers. In a tight job market, even if a job doesn’t require you to speak a foreign language, mentioning the fact on your resume will make you more attractive and look smarter.

In a world where companies are becoming more international, companies search for candidates who speak more than one language. Besides being able to communicate, multilingual individuals have been found to have a great work ethic, a strong desire to learn, and a developed cultural awareness.




using Medium as my notes app with all things I read/hear/see about languages, music, science, creativity, and personal growth