Do Most Writers Suffer from Depression & Mood Disorders?

You are not alone

Dr. Psychology


Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Hasn’t this been quite a debate? Writers & Depression, and the connection between Creativity & Depression, Mood disorders?

Certainly, most writers during their lifetime had asked themselves if they are depressed. And yes, you are not alone who wondered this. This question had been prevalent and multiple studies and research have been conducted to this date to prove the connection between creativity, depression & mood disorders.

Numerous talented writers had suffered from depression. I’d name a few renowned ones although the list is endless. Stephen King, Sylvia Path, J.K Rowling, Tennessee Williams, and many more. And not only the writers but also other professions where creativity is involved have people who suffer from depression and mood disorders such as bipolar disorder.

Bizarre Reality

This might shock you, but in 2012, a report on 40 years of research had been published. This was conducted on 1.2 million Swedish people and the outcomes were breathtaking, not in a good way.

This research concluded that writers are about 121% more likely to suffer from Bipolar disorder (which includes depression), and 50% more likely to be suicidal when compared to other professions.



Dr. Psychology

Set out with the goal of raising awareness and providing information about MENTAL HEALTH, SANE PARENTING, and PSYCHOLOGY.