Basel Abu Alrub
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2020


The ancient Greek injunction, ‘Know Thyself,’ is inscribed in the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. (from Cyprus Today on

Do not shame those who love you. Despite what you see, they came here to teach. Question every happening in your life but do not grow tired of the blur in your eyes, even the most gifted explorers sometimes are lost here. Amidst every waking moment, collect wisdom through nostalgia, you will soon see the lore that blossoms with memory. Admire those that appear quiet, they very well may hold the lense that captures your story. Even against your will befriend the wounded, their soft eyes filter the light through the bends of your life. Be Patient. Answers morph like the rays between the raining clouds; and like the weather, they change over time. Love your past enough to experience dignity, but do not foolishly glorify your deeds; even saints are tainted by history.

Allow your friends to shine but deny not space for their darkest of sides; their missteps sometimes light the way. Carry the world with curiosity so you don’t let it burden you with pain. In all its disquieted discomfort, struggle is life’s inevitable guardian; it is a friend you must have. Practice humility even in success, for glory too, shall pass. Be suspicious of your mind; if kept unchecked it will betray and it will blind.

Keep your word. It is the birthplace of your grace. Grant yourself ample interludes of stillness, your own soul settled in the womb by the pressure of time. Judge not the cycles of your life by the mechanics of the clock. Substantial as it may seem, life is as transient as dreams. Be mindful of the limitations of your own physique, immortality is a privilege reserved only for the Gods. As small as you may feel in this universe, trust that the world is only hostile to those with cruel hearts. Everything in your life is sublime. Make love the wonder you keep in the face of unease. When all is gone except the cosmos, skies and trees, you will be at peace knowing that your life gave you the meaning you were meant to have.

You will find your soul. All will be well.

