Do NOT Start A Podcast If You’re Worried About These 3 Things

Alec Zaffiro
Published in
5 min readFeb 23, 2024


thanks Unsplash

While perusing Threads (Instagram’s version of Twitter), I scrolled upon an interesting question:

screenshot via Threads

He’s basically asking:

“What would you say to someone looking to start a podcast, but they’re holding back because:”

  • They think the market’s saturated
  • They fear recording themselves
  • They don’t know where to start

Because I started my own podcast in November 2023, my gut reacted to these “concerns.” Here’s my [sugar-free] advice to said newb.

podcast! thanks Unsplash

Ok, let me get this straight… this is how you feel?

“Hi, I’m afraid to start a podcast because everyone else is doing it, I don’t like recording myself, and I don’t have a clue where to start.”



Alec Zaffiro

I write to think and organize my ideas. I like psychology, philosophy, and self-improvement—em dashes are my specialty. Not an expert.*