Do Nothing That Is Of No Use

Is There Always Tomorrow?

Cinis Viatorem
2 min readMay 6, 2022


Photo by Anna on Unsplash

No man alive can say he has not felt lost. No human being is free of this burden. Shall I tell you the significance of a future that never comes? Shall I tell of the risk involved in living a careful life? Shall I reveal to you the meaning of the first of many grey hairs? Who among us is living a lie? Who among us will accept the truth?

Until this point, how long have you sat and pondered death? The time of its arrival? The vehicle of its arrival, be that illness or misfortune? The things left to do that will never be done. The things that have been done, never to be undone. I would assume that these questions have crossed the minds of most. I pity the ones who do not meditate upon this reality. They are among the lost ones. The only question I can guarantee has not crossed the mind after you learn the meaning of death is whether or not it will knock upon your door. Verily death is the slowest of workers, but surely the most efficient.

There is always tomorrow.

The mind never asks pointless questions. In this regard it is useful. The mind also constantly wants to understand how to keep you alive for eternity. In This regard it is detrimental. Most thoughts are being generated from a mind that believes it will live forever. The soul knows better. It knows of the fragility of this beating heart. We allocate our time as if we had a never-ending source of it. This is the reason we prioritize our gratification rather than our purpose. The difficult things are pushed to the back of the mind. tasks to be tackled in a future that is not guaranteed.

There is always tomorrow

Listen close my friend, for this piece is vital. Understand that time is a friend of youth and the enemy of age. This fact of life must push you to do what you must, not what you want. If you dally, the dream will die. Do what you must today and do it with vigor while you still can.

There is always tomorrow,

Until the final one.



Cinis Viatorem

Who are you? No who are you really? Hmm…Are you sure? Well, maybe we’ll find out next time you become someone else. Or maybe its me thats changed? Maybe…