Do These 5 Things in 2024 [before it’s too late]

A simple 2024 plan for crazy growth

Saurav Mandal
4 min readJan 10, 2024


Me, smiling like a stupid person! That’s one of my New Year’s resolutions.

2023 flew by so quickly! It seems like it started just a few months ago, and now we are already in the next year.

And the same is likely to happen in 2024. It’ll go in a flash.

This speedy passage of time often leaves us with regrets. We realize we could have done more if only we had used our time wisely.

To avoid that regret in 2024, we need to make the most of every day.

So here are 5 simple things you should do daily in 2024 to make this year the turning point of your life. I’m following these steps myself, and I want to help you do the same.

1. Sharpen the Saw

Imagine you’re asked to cut down a tree in 7 hours with a dull saw. What would you do?

Many would scrape the blunt saw against the tree. That’s the worst way. It would be a struggle and take more than 7 hours.

But if you invest 3 hours in sharpening the saw, you may cut the tree in just 2 hours.

Likewise, your body and mind act as that saw, and your daily tasks are the trees to be cut. Sharpening the saw helps you work with deep focus and be more productive.

But how do you sharpen your body and mind?

Well, these habits will help you:

· Body: Work out, practice yoga, take a morning walk, etc.

· Mind: Meditate, ensure good sleep, spend time in nature, etc.

These activities also boost your happiness and keep you energetic throughout the day. So don’t jump directly into cutting the tree; sharpen your saw first.

Me, spending some peaceful time in nature.

2. Learn New Skills

This helps you stay updated. Which is crucial in a world that’s constantly changing.

And with AI advancing at a crazy speed, having a set of unique skills keeps you safe. It’s what makes you valuable to the world.

Besides, learning helps you become a better version of yourself. It makes you smarter, more capable, and ready to take on challenges.

So, pick a set of in-demand skills that you’re interested in.

For instance, I work as a freelance copywriter. I’m planning to master marketing and storytelling for business improvement and learn film-making and joke writing just for fun.

3. Build Your Personal Brand

This is the best thing you can do in 2024. Because now your worth is defined by your personal brand.

Personal branding is creating your identity in the market. It helps you attract opportunities, connect with like-minded people, and market your products or services.

Most importantly, it helps you build a loyal audience who supports you in your ups and downs.

For example, if you’re a fiction writer, having a personal brand makes it easier to publish and promote your books. Simply because your followers already know and like you.

But how do you build a personal brand? By consistently creating content on digital platforms like YouTube, Medium, X, LinkedIn, or Instagram.

I’ll talk more about content creation here, so you can stay connected to me.

4. Read Books

I’m convinced reading is one of the best habits you can build in 2024.

Because you can grab a paperback for the price of a large cheese pizza and get into a whole new world right from the comfort of your home.

Reading a fiction novel is like experiencing an extra life, seeing everything through the eyes of the protagonist. Meanwhile, non-fiction broadens your knowledge, expands your perspective, and develops your skills.

But there is one thing I love the most about reading. It improves your writing and creative thinking skills. Which further helps you create better content.

Last year, I read 28 books. They were immensely helpful. So this year, I’m planning to read at least 30. And it’s going to be fun because I’ve collected books on various topics like storytelling, psychology, LinkedIn branding, etc.

Me, struggling to hold some of my favorite books.

5. Stay Foolish

Most of us are trying to look smarter than we actually are — to our coworkers, friends, neighbors, relatives, and social media followers.

The problem is this: It’s a heavy burden. You hesitate to take any risk. You don’t try anything new. You always want to be safe.

Why? Because making mistakes or failing at something would make you look like a fool. You want to avoid that. And it may cause a lot of overthinking and stress.

A better option is to stay foolish. It’s actually the best. Because you can do anything, get judged, and be okay with whatever people think.

You’re free to start that YouTube channel, publish that book, or do your first open mic.

That’s precisely what I’m aiming for this year — trying things I might be bad at and being okay with looking like a fool. The best part? That’s where all the learning is.

Summing Up

Those 5 actions can help you maximize the potential of 2024. So, when the next New Year arrives, you’ll look back with satisfaction, knowing you did an awesome job this year.

Now, take some time to make plans and see how your daily routine will be. Remember, it starts today because 2025 is just a few blinks away.

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Saurav Mandal

I'm a website copywriter. I talk about content creation, productivity, and personal growth.