Do This One Simple Thing To Discover Your Life’s Purpose

Here’s what has worked for me.

Assumpta Nalubowa
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2023


This is all we want:

Everything under the sun is chasing the same high:

From the birds — the soaring eagle towering over us — to the worm wobbling through the mud. Yes, we are no different from a worm. We are no different from the trees and the butterflies.

We’ve become clever — cleaner–about our greed.

We’ve dressed it up in fancy tales of spiritual quests and philanthropic adventures.

And still, all we want is this:

To explore and express our full potential. It sounds anti-climactic (I know), but that’s all there is.

We want to shine as bright as we can. To sing — no, belt — at the top of our lungs. We want to flow. To sublimate. To diffuse into the air around us, into the people around us — our lovers.

We want our songs to sink into their skins — our words to become earworms they can’t get out of their minds, the perfect soundtrack to their existence.

All we want is to express ourselves, in one way or another.

Stop trying to discover your life’s purpose.



Assumpta Nalubowa

Personal Essayist | Web Technical Writer who is open to work | For my technical writing, check out: