Do we look like the sea or does the sea look like us?

Complicated, Beautiful, Precious, She

Dimitra Manta


Photo by Cristian Palmer on Unsplash

She is constantly on the move but she is not going anywhere. Even the soil beneath her can change over the years, but the sea remains the same. She comes in contact with every corner on the earth, influenced by every form of culture. She rinses every person’s fears and sins. She can take away the pain and the tiredness.

She changes colours reflecting the mood of the sky. When the day that dawns is hazy and cloudy, she looks grey, a bit melancholic. She stands peaceful on a rainy day and patiently waits for the rain to wash away her own sins. She seems romantic and fragile. You could assume that she is enjoying the drops that fall on her.

Her mood changes every minute. And depending on where you are, from where you look at her, another face of her you see. Sometimes, she is peaceful, almost motionless, inexpressive. And she enchants you or misleads you. You will get captivated by her diamond surface that reflects the sunlight. You will admire her for her beauty. But don’t fool yourself considering her weak. Do not underestimate her depth.

Soon she will get agitated again and will violently rush at you. Her anger and her passion will scare you. How strong, invincible, unstoppable stands in front of you! The moment you…



Dimitra Manta

I write because only then my thoughts make sense. Economist, writer, storyteller, traveller, dreamer!