Do We Really Need Managers?

In this controversial topic, I dive into the reservations that many have about management, and show the value they add that you aren’t considering!

Michael Lumpp


I’m certain that since the genesis of the managerial role, Direct Reports have questioned whether there was a need for such oversight. A variety of organizational models, approaches, and managerial techniques have evolved, all interested in exploring this and potentially restructuring with various forms of management (or, as you’ll see, no management at all).

Female employee with question mark in background, pondering
Photo by Kevin Hellhake

In all of these cases, we often see a trend that as a company faces scale, strategic challenges, and desire to ensure staff operate at their peak, managers add value in ways that were not realized or appreciated.

Before we discuss their value, let’s explore why management is often questioned!

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The Argument Against Managers

Individual contributors often feel that management is not necessary, favoring a flatter organization that allows them to avoid being micromanaged and seeing their productivity and innovation stifled. Coupled with frequent meetings and excessive…



Michael Lumpp

VP of Software Development in FinTech, technology enthusiast, and lover of good food and drink.