Do You Add to The Solution or The Problem?

A story on the power of kindness.

Annelise Lords
Published in
4 min readNov 29, 2020


The Gossamer-winged butterfly adds to the Solution. Image by Annelise Lords

After waiting four hours to be interviewed at Camden Technology, Zena was about to give up when her name was called. She hurries inside, glancing around. A long oval table hugging about eight or more chairs was all that was inside. A conference room, she thought to herself.

A dark skin, long hair lady, with no laugh lines on her face, sat behind a computer at the end. Zena walks towards her saying, “Good afternoon,” and stretches out her right hand. The lady looks at her with hidden emotion, ignoring her gesture. Withdrawing her hand, Zena attempts to pull out a chair, when the lady said, “Don’t sit down. You are Zena Billings, right?” She continues before Zena could answer. “I am Mrs Mullings the hiring manager,” she introduces herself without standing.

“Yes,” Zena answers.

“You are qualified, but we can’t hire you. Miss Angela McDonald, your first character reference, says she doesn’t know you. We don’t hire liars,” she threw at Zena.

Zena stares at her in shock and confusion, and these words force themselves out of her mouth “but, bu… …”

“Would you like your resume back?” she asks cutting her off.

