Do You Clap For Everything You Read On Medium?

Some don’t deserve it, but most may

Floyd Mori


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

When I first joined as a member of Medium, there was an article by someone who said that she gave fifty claps for almost everything she read. Since fifty is the maximum that can be given by a person for any one piece, she tries to reward the writer by clapping heavily. If she really doesn’t like something, she won’t clap. Usually, she claps at everything. After all, someone worked hard to do the writing, and claps may be deserved.

Claps apparently used to be connected to the amount of money a person made on Medium. Now they don’t make any difference in payment for a story, but they just may show a writer that people liked what they wrote. It is a form of encouragement on the program.

You may make someone’s day by giving them a lot of claps.

If you read something that you really don’t like because of the content or the attitude of the writer, you don’t have to leave claps. You can give a single clap or five claps if you barely like the article but appreciate the person doing some writing on Medium.

You may look at the claps on articles that you read before you start reading them. Some articles get thousands of claps on the first day they are published. That is a way to…



Floyd Mori

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits.