Do You Fit into Your Writing Niche?

Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2022


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

What if your niche doesn’t exist?

Excellent Medium writer Maryann G.recently wrote about finding a Niche for one’s writing — or not. I’m going with Not.

Because what if you’re hopelessly non-nicheable? Some of us are.

What if you’re not exactly a jack of all trades, and still definitely a master of none? What if nobody ever accused you of being the Final Word on anything, or even the highly acclaimed writer on Topic X? I’ve always wanted to be a highly acclaimed writer on something or other, but am not holding my breath.

For a while, after publishing a book on end-of-life issues and being deeply involved in such (I still am; check out End of Life Choices California) I had a quasi-niche on end-of-life issues. A topic that gets way too little attention from most people until they’re halfway into dying themselves — which is a bad time to start thinking about your choices.

Then in 2013, concerned about the growing threats to reproductive rights (little did we know!) I published a book on abortion. Perilous Times: An inside look at abortion before — and after — Roe v Wade never exactly hit the bestseller lists (although it’s still available and sales have recently picked up) but for a while I had a quasi-niche on reproductive justice. I am decidedly still there too, and apparently will…




Lifelong newspaper & magazine writer, author, blogger at, agitator for justice, kindness & interfaith understanding.