Do You Have A Favourite Of The Different Directions You Can Take?

Three questions to give you a sense of purpose

Gregory Reece-Smith


Which Of The Different Directions Is Yours? — Bob Jansen on Unsplash

Do you feel the many areas of your life are being pulled from different directions? Whilst on the collective level there is tension between the individual ego and the collective.

We are at what in astrology is known as a fixed Grand Cross. The Sun and full moon are forming a tight Grand Cross with the nodes of destiny and karma. Amplifying entrenched positions and unyielding desires or demands.

Different Directions Are Ahead

This is taking place when all the planets are direct and so we are in a quickening, when we sense life is evolving ever faster. What needs to change is being revealed to each of us as well as society as a whole. Whether we like it or not the winds of change are blowing.

Each of us though needs to sense the pattern of the wind and so set our sails, personally and collectively, in the direction of our choice.

Which will confront our attachment to what we view as safety, security and the known. All of which keeps us stagnant and stuck.

Leading in turn for us to question whether our egos are leading us to make choices that are not good for the health of Mother Earth or for the wellbeing of others.

We are being pushed in uncomfortable different directions. The Cosmic intention is we let go of what no longer serves us, fuels our passion. Only then is it possible to open to new horizons, so you can feel fulfilled.

The answers we seek will be found once we become the observers of our life. Identifying what has led us to each tipping point we have arrived at.

The choice then is whether we continue to shade our light or shine it brightly for all to see — your gift to humanity.

As you see life in a new light, so you open yourself to new perspectives. Making yourself available for creative insight or something deeper that is calling you.

We have until Pluto goes retrograde at the end of April to complete this exercise. Before then you have the opportunity to plant the seeds for the life you desire.

Returns, Half Returns And Re-Birth Of The USA

Starting with the Leo full moon on 16th February, there is a fascinating period of astrological events every two days. Next is a Neptune half return on the 18th, the Pluto return on the 20th and another Neptune half return on the amazing 22nd February 2022–2202–2022.

22 itself represents the fulfilment of our greatest aspirations, as well as a sense of strength and accomplishment. It is among the most powerful of numbers.

Numerologically, water vibrates at the number 22. Reminding us during our Universal six year we are only ever one thought/feeling away from changing what we view as our reality.

Two represents balance, acceptance, diplomacy, peace and respect. It is also known as a supremely feminine number, representing both grace and power. Of all the numbers, it has the strongest intuition. Being able to sense currents and feelings instinctively, then use these clues to connect with others empathically.

The number of 22nd February itself is a three. This is considered as the perfect number, the number of harmony, wisdom and understanding. To the Greek philosophers it was also the number of time — past, present, future; birth, life, death; beginning, middle, end, the number of the divine.

As Pluto takes 246 years to make one circuit, 20th February will return it to the exact birth position of the USA on 4th July, 1776. There are two further such meetings during 2022–11th July and 28th December.

Neptune half returns take 165 years and once again those in February align with Neptune´s position at the birth of the USA. Neptune governs spirituality.

It just so happens 22nd February is George Washington´s birthday!

To Creating Harmony In Your Life

Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld and God of death and re-birth, so clear messages are being sent. Sitting out at the edge of our Solar system, Pluto symbolises all that lies outside of consciousness and that which is in the shadow.

Pluto is therefore pulling back the veil to reveal the structures and those behind the scenes yielding power and control. It is our choice whether to continue to follow or initiate a change.

Whilst the Pluto return runs from 2022 to 2024, the planetary cycles indicate the USA has decades of transformation ahead. Eris, the new outer body discovered in 2005 and the archetype of the 21st century, squares Pluto from 2033 to 2048. Pluto transits Aquarius from March 2023 to January 2044.

Which could be the timeframe needed to return to balance and harmony the Divine Feminine and Masculine, mother and father, Father Sky and Mother Earth, heart and mind, soul and Spirit.

For Aquarius is the energy of innovation, new ideas, and rebellion against the status quo. Without the Aquarian breath of fresh ideas and energy, the old behaviours, habits and patterns would continue forever. There would be no evolution. This is the age of collaboration not control.

Just before the full moon there was a conjunction between two lovers — Venus and Mars. Usually this indicates a good period for relationships and romance. However, Pluto joining their conjunction on 3rd March, means not until after early on 6th March.

That is when there is the final Venus and Mars conjunction. The favourable period continuing until the first week in April when Venus moves away into Pisces.

Prior to then is a period for purging, purifying and transforming all relationships. Whilst intense, it is the only way to establish firm foundations for future collaboration.

Message From Source

The latest Message from Source provides guidance on our roles in the transition underway:

“Follow events as they unfold rather than the emotions surrounding them. This is a new era emerging and so create what you desire. Do not allow yourself to be dominated by what was. There is a long way to go before this era is completed. That will be many generations on, so imagine the legacy you wish to create for them, allow yourselves to do so without limitation or restriction.

The old era is still influencing many of the thoughts and actions, let alone the emotions. The more you consciously step away from them the sooner they will be left in the previous era. This is a focus for all of you. Be willing to step into the space beyond your knowing, beyond what you think you have experienced.

There is a world you are curious to learn more about beckoning you. It only needs your courageous step to begin to feel and so act differently.

Believe not all is lost, it only is when you believe and act so. Believe in what you choose to create and it will be so. That is the choice for you all at this moment of transition.

Do not restrict your choices to only one or a few aspects of your life. ALL is in transition, including your relationship with yourself. For how could it be otherwise. Your soul continues, yet how is your relationship with it evolving? This is where you will gain most from moments of quiet reflection.

This is your ultimate soul mate and one which will continue beyond this lifetime. It will though establish a new level of connection which will be of benefit in other lifetimes.

Empower Yourself

Be prepared to explore your very essence to understand yourself and so your soul´s desires. These are way beyond what might have been or your expectations. The very act of exploration will begin the next phase in your evolution and so that of your soul. In doing so the evolution will ripple out to impact all of Creation. This is how powerful each of you is.

Hence the reminder to empower yourself, not allowing others to empower themselves.

Observe how events begin to shift as you do so. This is the fun aspect of your creative ability.”

Use the power of the full moon to better express yourself and create your future you desire. Remembering to focus on what creates fun and joy in your life.

Ask Yourself Which Of The Different Directions?

This full moon can spark ideas or spur you to move forward on creative or entrepreneurial endeavours. It is also reminding you to be yourself and share yourself and your ideas with the world from a place of confidence and optimism.

Afterall, you know who you are, you know your desires and what gives you a sense of purpose. Or do you?

Unsure, then ask yourself these three questions:

  • Is there one area of life that feels most important to you to make a difference? What is it?
  • Who would you need to be to be the person who would create it?
  • What beliefs would have to change about your life for you to be that person?

The full moon in Leo is urging each of us to roar, wanting us to leave behind the restrictions of our beliefs, habits and patterning.

As we are at the mid-point between eclipses, events can have a profound impact on your storyline and so your destiny. Be the observer.

Please SHARE this story with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Choosing From The Different Directions


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aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “Success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More insights are at



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.