Do You Know What’s Easy?

Let me tell you

Glyn Bawden


Photo by Tolga Ulkan on Unsplash

I had something of a crisis recently. We’ve had work done on our house that was expensive, we’re also in the middle of taking a previous tradesman to court for not fulfilling his contract.

We’re quite a bit out of pocket.

Add into the mix that I’m self employed and my phone hasn’t rung for a few days.

PLUS, I’ve been sending articles off to Medium and after the big success of one particular article, I’m back to the customary 4 or 5 views per article.

I’ve got to be honest, the combination of all these things got to me, and I’m feeling pretty hacked off.

I’m not sleeping well and the pressure is starting to get to me.

So, I’ve got some choices to make.

I take the easy route and stop writing on Medium.

Just give up.

Delete the app and go back to how I was.


I could find myself a job that’s 9–5, and guarantee myself a wage every month.

No more sweating over whether the phone rings.

I could drop my pursuit of the builder and just walk away.

In short,



Glyn Bawden

An ex-teacher, aspiring writer. Trying to be healthy but still loving wine. Love to travel.