Do You Like the Cozy Feeling of Waking Up and Cuddling Your Warm Blanket?

That’s cool. But don’t approach your life like this.

Julian Drach


Picture by Burst at

With all its historical events, the last year has been intense for many people. For me, however, the lockdowns in Germany meant that I would be staying in the comfort of my home for a quite prolonged time. Without the need to drive to the university or my workplace, and no possibility to work out in the gym, I started to become complacent. As a result, bad habits crept back into my life, and the urge to achieve my goals rusted.

This year poses a crucial crossroads for my life. At the end of this year, I will sit my final law exams, which will heavily impact my further pursuit. And although I was able to study rigorously during the lockdown — since there wasn’t much else to do anyway — I don’t want to stay in my comfort zone for the duration of this crucial year. To change this, I want to think about what discomfort means, how I can use it to improve myself, and develop ground rules, that we all can apply.


“Be not afraid of discomfort. If you can’t put yourself in a situation where you are uncomfortable, then you will never grow. You will never change. You’ll never learn.”
- Jason Reynolds



Julian Drach

German lawyer and doctoral candidate. I am here to share my experiences and insights. Sometimes I‘ll add some banter.