Inspiration and Life

What Do You Tell Yourself?

Why do we speak to ourselves?

Bill Abbate
Published in
7 min readJan 5, 2023


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

As you read these words, do you notice your internal monologue? Can you “hear” how the words are “spoken” in your mind as you read them? Yet you are doing so without forming sounds or speaking aloud.

This common occurrence is known as intrapersonal communication, internal monologue, autocommunication, self-talk, inner speech, internal discourse, internal dialogue, inner voice, or internal voice. Take your pick.

This article will refer to these “voices” as our inner or internal voices.

Let’s look at these inner voices and how we can use them to our advantage.

Internal voices

The mind is a mysterious thing. As much as is known about our brains, a great deal remains to be explored and understood.

It is well established that we experience much of our thinking as an internal dialogue. A dialogue with whom, you ask? With yourself, of course!

These inner voices affect our behaviors and the results we get in life. Some hinder us, while others help.

The question is, do you realize this? Are you awake to it? If you are, how often do you recognize specific voices?



Bill Abbate

Leadership Writer and Editor in ILLUMINATION, Leadership/Executive Coach, Author