Do You Over-Pack For Vacations?

I can understandđŸ˜‰

Ekta Wadhwa
2 min readNov 28, 2022


Relate to this. Photo by krakenimages at Unsplash

It’s the festive season, and everyone is gearing up for vacations and meeting loved ones. Travel is getting back to normal post-pandemic. The suitcases and bags are ready to carry your stuff and visit new places. Two years of sitting in the loft have been tough, especially for the ones with wheels.

Packing for travel is a mission for many; it’s like carrying your home in a suitcase so that you don’t miss out on your comfort zone. I am surprised to see fellow travelers carry just a rucksack for a month-long holiday. I always feel I might need an additional hoodie, that extra pair of trousers, socks, zipper, tissue, chips, medicines, shoes, etc. The biggest suitcase is already full, the bag zip gives in to the pressure and is ready to work overtime to keep things intact.

By the time I am finished packing, there is no extra space to keep anything. The book that I have always wanted to read while traveling is left home alone again. The handbag that was supposed to look elegant and classy is obese with its burden. I feel that I might need a particular thing while I travel, so I over-pack. It's like the what-if scenario.

I follow people who post smart packing hacks online and am determined to do the same for the next visit. International travel should be light and smart; I have carried three suitcases and cried at Subways and railway stations on my stupidity. But then I am comforted to see some carrying more luggage than me. It’s like meeting your tribe and feeling at home.

I am amazed to see people travel with a cute and minute travel bag that slips in overhead luggage compartments on flights. I think it’s an art that I need to learn. If suitcases could speak, mine would file a complaint against me. On the positive side, my luggage can deal with many things and still be willing to travel and be overpacked.

The Smart Packer. Photo by Alice Donovan Rouse on Unsplash

I am eager to know about your packing experiences and am open to suggestions. How far I will follow them is debatable. Enjoy your holidays and stay safe.đŸ¥°



Ekta Wadhwa

Writing and reading about daily life experiences that are simple yet impactful