Do you remember the stories of those days?

The Nijma7
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2024

I wish there was a way to know you are in the good old days before you have actually left them”.


Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

Let me take you on the voyage of those days.

I don’t know your age so let’s say you are either a teenager, an adult, or older.

We all have our stories of those days.


If I am not wrong you also have such stories in your story bucket.

Answer these questions and you will find yourself on those days.

  • Do you remember your first love?
  • Do you remember your first crush?
  • Do you remember that one person because of whom you were excited to go to school?
  • Do you remember your academic performance?
  • Do you remember that awkward moment due to friends in front of your crush?
  • Do you remember that school bunk you did ?
  • Do you remember the name with which you teased your best friend?
  • Have you ever hidden under the bed?
  • Have you ever hidden your cousin’s stuff, just to annoy them?
  • Have you ever eaten the dessert kept in the freezer which your mother asked you not to touch?
  • Do you remember that childish fight for icecream with your brother/sister?
  • Do you remember getting beaten up by your parents due to your cousin’s?
  • Do you remember getting injured while running?
  • Do you still remember the extent of happiness you experienced just because you got a game period as the maths teacher was absent?
  • Do you still remember those friends with whom punishment also felt like an achievement to be celebrated?
  • Have you ever controlled your laughter while getting scolded?
  • Have you confessed your feelings to your crush?
  • Do you even remember those days?

How soothing the memories of “those days” are, no?

You may not relate to any of the questions I asked but in the end, we all have “those days”. Some have been through a lot on those days so some have gotten a lot from those days.

While you were a child you wanted to grow up and now when you are grown up you want to be a child again.

I don’t know how you are feeling or doing right now but I am sure there must be at least one story that can heal you at your worst.

Let’s sit for a few minutes.

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

And remind yourself of that story, or the stupidest story about yourself .


You have your reason to smile .

Smile brighter.

Thanks for reading.

The Nijma.


The Nijma

It’s my pleasure to share my insights with you all . I think experience and exploration are the two wheels of creating views. I modify it regularly so that I can understand more points of view.

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