Do You Truly Love Yourself?

How do you know if you are being you, or what others want you to be?

Meghan Madness


Photo by Paolo Nicolello on Unsplash

As adults, we tend to alter who we are to fit the agendas of others, something we are taught while growing up.

We grow up believing that to be popular we have to act a certain way, if you want to sit with the cheerleaders and jocks — you have to toss your dolls in the trash and condition yourselves into the mold made for popularity.

I can remember being in 3rd grade and being bullied for being a “strange” child; I liked playing in the mud and collecting rock specimens, that was who I was – what I enjoyed.

The leader of the popular girls came to me and asked me, “Do you want to hang out with us tomorrow?” I remember feeling beyond excited; this was it; this is my chance to be accepted.

“What do I have to do?” I asked.

“You have to come to school tomorrow with a tweety bird shirt and a red scrunchie on your left hand,” she said, smirking.

That’s it? That’s the price I have to pay to be liked?

I went home and told my mom. Since we were poor, my mother decided to hand paint a Tweety shirt for me. I thought that would give me extra points — being creative and all. As for the scrunchy, I didn’t have one, but I…



Meghan Madness

I Write about controversial subjects. Typically Religious.