Gregory Reece-Smith
Published in
8 min readOct 22, 2021



Do You Want To Step Beyond The Dark Night Of Your Soul?

Seven signs you are stuck in your comfort zone

The Dark Night Of Your Soul — Saffu, Unsplash

One of the greatest challenges we all face is to step into the unknown beyond the dark night of our soul. Though it can be one of the most exhilarating of our life experiences.

In a survey conducted to identify the ingredients necessary for happiness, it was found one of the important elements is regularly to challenge yourself.

Stepping Beyond The Dark Night Of Your Soul

Exemplified by a conversation today with someone stating they were bored, dissatisfied, and unfulfilled. When we remain in our comfort zone we tend to stagnate and then wonder why life has become darker with few, if any attractions.

When we have the curiosity to explore something new, embark on a courageous conversation, ask for something that could be rejected, or test ourselves in some way, we have to concentrate. That is when our mindset stops bumbling along half-asleep on the autopilot setting of taking no action.

Instead, our understanding expands. When we focus and make the effort, our experience and our skills expand as we are present.

For, to quote Eckhart Tolle:

“Any action is often better than no action, especially if you have been stuck in an unhappy situation for a long time. If it is a mistake, at least you learn something, in which case it’s no longer a mistake. If you remain stuck, you learn nothing.”

Preferring to not take the risk of stepping beyond the dark night of your soul. It is when you challenge yourself that often a sense of being truly alive, engaged with life, and being happy is felt.

Because the purpose of every soul is to evolve, most have to face their shadow, their dark night, mirror work, shadow work, the list goes on and on… If not, then what is the purpose of incarnating? It will only be possible to achieve half of what the soul is seeking.

What is the dark night of your soul?

Those experiences you were not always proud to share.

Awareness Is Vital Before Resolution Is Possible

Perhaps these recollections are ones you have tried to never think about again, suppressing them from your conscious experience.

Or, maybe they have affected you so deeply the reaction you are triggered to have to certain situations stems from an unconscious belief you hold.

Whatever it is, the dark night of the soul or the shadow work that everyone unknowingly tries to avoid will bring it into the light.

In fact, this process is integral to being able to manifest your soul’s true mission.


Because this new era requires us to be true to ourselves. And, how can you do so whilst all those experiences remain buried yet direct your life?

As I have noted elsewhere, resolution can only begin after awareness. Yes, fight or flight is likely to appear, as it did on several occasions over the past few weeks with visitors.

The key is to choose to step beyond any fear towards the evolution your soul is seeking. To live to your full potential.

That way each of us can learn to face and love the darkest, ugliest parts of ourselves and others. Though doing so in recognition we are responsible for our own life rather than pointing the finger or blaming our denseness on the actions of “others.”

As all of Creation is interconnected, adjusting one aspect of your life will affect all other things, for changing your energy changes everything.

Hence why it is imperative for us to tap into our unique qualities and power to express ourselves in ever-expanding creative ways AND focus on living in harmony with each other!

These next few years will require us to assert our truth in order to complete the birthing of the Age of Aquarius. Stepping beyond the fear of many resisting this transition.

Message From Source

More on what is unfolding is in the latest Message from Source:

“Humanity is approaching a crossover point. One where evolution will expand at a faster rate once crossed. As the weight of those have made it beyond the point applies, so will the pace accelerate.

What is unfolding for you all is about to become less intense. There will also be a new sense of purpose gathering speed as the process of awareness builds its own steam. You will begin to find a dizzy sense of evolution is not sufficient to delay any more what is unfolding. Clarity will only appear once the point has been passed.

Whilst it may seem the case, be aware of the increase in the pace of change so you will be able to once again move steadily at your pace. This is what has been most present for all over the past few months.

As each individual soul makes their choice as to the path to walk, so the pressure to increase the pace will weaken. As the grip of what has been weakens so the new can step forward far more easily — so the pace of change will once more accelerate.

More activity will appear before the month of December begins.”

The astrology of the coming few months reflects an uneasy energy building that wants to be released, freedoms regained, and untruths revealed. The outcome will be determined by whether or not we choose to be in our power, expressing our truth.

Which is what the energy of the full moon in Aries on 20th October sought. Stirring deep feelings and bringing them to the surface to be worked with. The challenge being to work with them in our relationships to bring clarity without unnecessary demolition.

Seven Signs You Are Stuck In Your Comfort Zone

The influence of Pluto on this Aries moon is asking you to take a hard look at yourself. Are you truly living your personal values? Is your life congruent with who you know yourself to be? Or are you keeping yourself small, laying low, waiting for life to pass you by?

The Aries moon/Pluto provided a sharp prod to let go of the story you have been telling yourself. To step out of your comfort zone and pursue what really gives you joy.

Seven signs to help you realise it is necessary to step out of your comfort zone are:

  1. You are unhappy and are not sure why. You feel there is more to life, though unsure what. Life is so comfortable, yet your body wants something different, perhaps a new experience or a new challenge.
  2. You have no joy in your life. You are not challenging yourself and so not evolving. Yes, everything is working for you, though it feels like stagnation.
  3. You doubt yourself. Your critical inner voice questions your dreams and doubts they are possible.
  4. Your conversation is sprinkled with words like “if” and “when”. Words such as these limit you to where you are now as they focus on possible risks, real or imagined.
  5. When asked to do something new, your answer is always “No”. Anything outside of your experience seems risky. Accordingly, you prefer others to complete it.
  6. You often procrastinate. You are unwilling to take action before everything is perfect. Instead of addressing the cause of any anxiety, you make excuses and complain of how timing, etc. is not appropriate.
  7. You have forgotten when you last tried anything new. You feel relaxed sitting in your comfort zone watching the world and its events pass you by.

Some November 2021 Insights

The only way to move forward is to craft a narrative — a new personal story. One big enough and attractive enough to call you forward rather than continuing to look backward.

To do so we are helped on 30th October by Mars moving into Scorpio. Here until 13th December, it will bring you the fire you need to create forward momentum — or burn away what is not working for you.

The new moon in Scorpio on 4th November will open a doorway to better understand your motivations and behaviours. The ten days after this new moon are ideal for considering your ambitions, plans, and strategy to achieve everything you desire. That is, once you have stepped beyond the dark night of your soul.

The next day, a major new trend starts as Venus moves into Capricorn until 7th March 2022. This will create a collective feeling of ease with regard to our financial and business matters, especially in finding people to help achieve our desires.

Since summer 2020, we have been going through an eclipse cycle on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. The final eclipse in this cycle is in early December. However, before then, a new eclipse cycle begins on 19th November — one falling within the signs of Taurus and Scorpio.

Collectively they indicate new themes as we begin to evolve very rapidly in new directions. The events in November will hint at the direction of your life to the end of 2023.

2022 will bring many positive developments — including a deeper connection to the Creator. As a 6 Universal Year, it embraces, nurtures, and enhances love and abundance.

22 is the number of peace. This may not seem quite aligned with Jupiter and Neptune bringing major floods and volcanic activity, as well as major earthquakes, increasing.

2022 — A Year Of Major Transformation

To me this is a reminder peace will come when humanity lives in balance and harmony with Mother Earth rather than continuing to exploit.

This will be created when we feel we are “enough”, we have “enough”, and there is “enough” to share. Quality of life being more important than possessions.

The arrangement of the planets suggests 2022 will be a year of major transformation.

There will be two distinct periods — a very favourable one during the first half followed by a more troubling second six months, particularly from August. It also foresees a revolution in technology, especially in energy.

For some time my sense has been the healing of our modern economy lies in the hands of entrepreneurs. Especially those who recognise the energy is accelerating and through collaboration, amplifying it for the well-being of all.

There is now less than ten weeks before 2022 arrives to release, open up, discover new directions, become centred, and listen closely as you fine-tune your intuition.

Only you have the choice to step beyond the dark night of your soul into the life you want to create. This to me is the essence of the personal challenge for each of us in these last weeks of 2021.

All will assist you to make your soul connection, to free you to share your unique gifts. To live to your full potential.

Please SHARE this story with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To You Stepping Beyond The Dark Night Of Your Soul


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “Success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More insights are at



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.