Do your freelance writing skills meet demand?

Dawn Moyer
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2020


Analysis and tools for identifying the writing skills most in demand today.

gig writing jobs word cloud by author

There are many of us that pick up extra work as freelances for many reasons. For some people, this is their full-time job. Rock on! For others like myself, we look to bring in some extra cash or expand our skills into new areas. I’ve often heard freelancers say how exciting they are to work in an industry different than their full-time jobs. I’ve personally learned about energy management and online retailing that I would have not known had I not done some side gigs. If you have been struggling to pick up jobs or want to branch into a new area, you need to do a self-assessment. Does the current freelancing market match up with your interests and skills? Are you focusing on the wrong type of work or are there opportunities to pick up new categories of work?

I have performed an analysis of all of the US-based writing-related jobs posted on as of Sept 1, 2020. I have also published some interactive Tableau workbooks that you can access for more information. Let’s take a look.



Dawn Moyer

Data Enthusiast, fallible human. A data scientist with a background in both psychology and IT.