Do your work Sincerely rather than Seriously

Prasad Mahabare
Published in
6 min readAug 17, 2020


One of the reasons people become successful

Why did I choose this topic?

In the modern, techno-savvy world, almost every one of us works because we have to rather than because we want to. Which I am going to say happens more accidentally than purposefully, as almost everyone does it unknowingly. It’s the worst thing we do to ourselves. And the reasons why it happens are:

  1. Deadlines: First of all, many of us accept projects in the first place with a dangerous deadline because of money or because we have no choice and it will affect our career.
  2. Competition: Everyone wants to finish their work before anyone else because of Fear of Missing Out (FoMO). This happens because the world is progressing digitally on a larger scale. Technology trends change every month.
  3. Misconception of satisfaction — People think that completing your work in minimum time will give them satisfaction no matter how repetitive it will be.

Let’s see what working seriously and working sincerely actually is,

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Working Seriously

What does it mean?

You work because you have to. The very first thing that comes to mind is that everyone works because they have to pay their bills, and to pay their bills, the only thing they can do is work harder, and to work hard, they have to take it seriously.

What does it do?

Have you ever wondered that when you work because you have to, the end results you get do not match what you thought they would be? And so it does not resonate with others, no matter how many hours you work. As a result, you start finding excuses.

What will it cause you personally?

By continuing the above-mentioned scenario, you lose interest in trying things with a new perspective—when your work does not reflect you, next time some similar work approaches you. You will discard it as a waste of time rather than see it as an opportunity to improve with some new strategies.

Then what will happen?

Once you block the way to improving your work, You block learning.

How will it affect you?

When you push yourself away from learning, you limit your skills and your perspective. You end up having a fixed set of perspectives, you start judging and criticizing yourself and the people around you. Which eventually leads to psychosomatic disorders.

Image by olly

Working Sincerely

What does it mean?

You work because you want to. I want you to think about only one thing that you really like to do. Take your time to get that idea and make room for it to flow. Now ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do you feel at ease?
  2. Did you feel motivated?
  3. Do predicted and actual results satisfy you almost every time?

If your answer is “yes” to all the questions then you notice the power of working sincerely.

What does it do?

You realize the following things:

  1. Time does fly. You will enjoy being in the state. You will recognize that even though you did it for an hour, it will feel like a few minutes. You finally understand how people work crazy hours with distractions.
  2. There are different ways to perform one task. When you work in flow, you start initializing the try-and-error methodology, which gives you a clear sense of what works for you and what doesn’t.
  3. Almost every time you get ideas to make money out of them, One of the benefits of the try and error technique is that you start to develop a business mindset and comprehend how things work.

What will it cause you personally?

Your confidence will increase to the level you never self-doubt. It will make you feel fearless. You will stop overthinking every action you take. You don’t look for excuses. When you feel fearless, you start believing in possibilities. It improves your mental and overall health.

Then what will happen?

You will be introduced to new and better life skills. What are life skills? Let’s take a look:

  1. Analyzing situations: When you work with clarity, you have clear targets in front of you, and at the time of analyzing the situation, you don’t get stuck on the conditional decision of if-then.
  2. Organizing thoughts: You not only gather points, but you also get a fluent algorithm to work.
  3. Communication skills: You express your ideas without mumbling because you’ve done the work.
  4. Self-Motivation: when things start to unfold the way you predict, you don’t need any external motivators to make a move for you
  5. Healthy Competition: This all leads to a mindset of healthy competition where you start to improve your moves for the best outcome.

How will it affect you?

Now you get the idea of how it will affect you. You will see more wonders around you that you never recognized before. You start appreciating more than judging everything. When you appreciate the miracles you hold, you eventually start vibrating the same energy and attract supportive people and circumstances for your growth.

Image by headwayio

How I shift from serious to sincere?

I know many people are thinking, Why should I listen to a young adult for a piece of advice?

I think the reason I shifted myself from working seriously to working sincerely is because it takes time. It took me a year to do that, and I want to spearhead one year of your life of tormenting inner conflict. Because shifting your energy from a negative habit to a positive one can be dramatic. You have to deal with the inner conflict of dos and don'ts. It varies from person to person, as does the time to come up with the best decision for yourself.

Another reason I wrote this blog is that in high school I was good at extracurriculars—sports, theater, arts, you name it—but at the time of the boards, I panicked, and my scores got below 50% at prelims. I was so depressed that I was going to drop out that academic year, but then my Sanskrit teacher taught me something that changed my life forever. After prelims, when I went to show my report card to her, she recognized that something was out of place, and I scored lower than I’m capable of. She was furious at first because she was aware of my talents and that I was suppressing them because I was not doing them sincerely. This blog is what she explained to me. The way I changed my life, I want everyone to experience that change because we all have the potential to make the world a better place for every living being.

Once you get the hang of it, You’ll recognize that no matter how small or how big your work is, it will do miracles for you.

I hope the way it transformed my life will transform yours as well. If my experience helped you, remember that your experience will help and probably improve someone else’s life, so please share this with everyone.

“We have the wisdom inside of all of us, All we have to do is trigger it and the rest will unfold like a miracle” — Prasad Mahabare

Again, I’m so grateful for all the readers.



Prasad Mahabare

A new writer who wants to contribute and enlighten society by sharing his peculiar observations of the world and provide distinct perspective