Does anyone else hate flying?

Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2024


Thanks to Saydung89 (on pixabay)

When I need to travel I become nervous. Wait, I’ll rephrase that: I am nervous when I need to travel by plane. I could say I am anxious about many things in life, but, the good part is that I know the reason behind most of it, and I try to manage it (usually I just need to do what I need to do and the anxiousness goes away). But, flying remains a challenge.

At the end of this article, what I would like to know from you is, how do you deal with it all?

So, whenever I need to travel by plane, I feel stressed out. I remember what traveling with a plane used to be like, so I can’t help but compare. Now, I am afraid of the security hassle, plane discomfort, and those horrible delays. Why? Because based on my experience in the last years I’ve had all of those, and I just really don’t want to go through them again. So, what’s the problem here? Well, I know what my problem is. Control. I have no control over the situation so I feel overwhelmed when others make those decisions for me, and when others decide how my journey will be.

Is there any way I could change this?

Well, yes, yes there is. But, it has nothing to do with the security checks and the flight companies. Well, unless I start flying first class but let’s face it, how many of us can afford that (and even if we could afford it, would we spend the money on something…




Freelance writer with an appetite for fantasy and mystery novels. Among stories, sharing my writing and art journey in a crazy, fast moving world.