Does Being High Make You More Creative & Productive?

Or is this just another urban myth to justify cannabis consumption?

Viktor Marchev


A person smoking cannabis while sitting in a yoga pose.
Illustration Credits: poncho.designs

In recent years, cannabis has been used a lot among university students and working professionals, especially from those ones that have jobs that involve creativity and productivity.

In this article I will not be arguing for or against the usage of marijuana. The sole purpose is to explore the plant’s effect on our creativity and productivity levels.


Unlike microdosing on LSD and such, smoking cannabis isn’t likely to make you more productive. Rather, it might just have the opposite effect — laziness. In a recent article, Ayahuasca’s Craze in the USA, I explored a subtopic on how professionals in the Silicon Valley and Manhattan have started microdosing on LSD and ayahuasca to increase productivity and creativity.

Microdosing on these psychedelics has been considered to have a positive impact on your body. Effects include increased productivity, focus, and creativity, and an overall better daily life.

However, as for weed, generally you shouldn’t expect to have higher productivity levels after smoking; although, there are some exceptions. If you’re someone like Elon Musk, cannabis would be your…



Viktor Marchev

I read my own stories out loud. Interested in everything related to psychedelics, mental health, and spirituality. Writer for ILLUMINATION.