Does “Man-Bashing” Really Exist?

I’m told it’s the way to earn big money online

Rosalind Pagan


Photo by Julia Larson from Pexels

I didn’t know man-bashing was a thing until someone told me it’s one of the biggest money-makers in online writing. Now I want a slice of the action.

Show me the way, people. Elbows at the ready, I’m coming for you.

"I don’t really see a lot of man-bashing on Medium"Are you serious? It has got to be one of the biggest money-makers.

This was the comment I received on one of my Medium stories, quoting me and replying with this interesting tip on how to make a quick buck. Oh, these rabbit holes of story comment threads, don’t you love to dive down them sometimes, hoping to find a white rabbit with a twitchy nose and a mad Queen of Hearts screaming “off with their heads.”

Or is that just me?

I guess I naïvely pursue a semi-journalistic approach to reporting injustice and what I see as inequality for women and other marginalized groups of people, thinking that people read about it and understand my motivation. Sometimes I might employ shock and awe tactics, trying to provoke thought and debate, all the while innocently thinking I am fighting for a just cause.

But apparently what I’m actually doing is “man-bashing.” Oops.



Rosalind Pagan

Feminist, mother, word nerd, worrier, warrior, thinker.