Does Meme play a vital role in your life?

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Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Let us begin with understanding what is meme. It is a concept that spreads from one person to another. Meme can be a belief, fashion, story or a phrase. In this article let us know what and how do we relate how life with memes.

Every day, we come across so many memes. Memes keep us related may it be national or international. This can only be possible with the help of internet society where the technology minimizes the gap.

How does the meme spreading works or how does a meme reach to us

Meme spreading totally depends on how fast it gets viral , if the particular meme is not liked by audience or if it lacks audience and it’s acceptance or if there is no feedback may it be positive or negative the meme gets vanished the other second.

How long does a meme last

It totally depends on the amount of time it gets spread. That is the amount of time people keep on enjoying the meme. People do make their own sequel if they love or find that the meme is getting viral or popularity. This is how a single meme gets converted into different versions.

Imagine if you are with a person and unfortunately you do not have anything else to talk which creates an awkwardness in a room and thus this is where memes come into play. You can now have endless conversation just by talking on different kind of memes.

Who invents a meme

Meme could be invented in any form. May it be accidental or preplanned. Accidental meme is the one wherein a person publishes something with a different intention and which later turns out to be a meme. Preplanned meme is one wherein, the person who finds a concept funny makes it go viral. Preplanned meme gets a larger base of audience as compared to accidental.

What does a Memer gets in return of a meme

It totally depends on what platform the meme is shared. If he shares meme on Facebook, Instagram or any other social media site he gets fame.

While if the person shares it on different platform like YouTube and if it is liked by audience he does get particular amount of followers or some amount of money in return.

How can meme be represented

It varies from person to person. Some may use their unique personality to present a meme in front of an audience while some may just share it as it is. It totally depends on how the audience likes it. Many people out there just share a post or a meme to make people happy and see smile on their face.

Meme plays very vital and thus keeps us connected to one another.




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