Does My Axolotl Recognize Me?

Ryan Chilton
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2023



It is a question many axolotl owners ask themselves. Axolotls are known for their intelligence and their ability to recognize their owners, making them a great pet choice for those looking for a more interactive experience.

Studies have shown that axolotls can recognize their owners and react differently to them than they do to strangers.

They can distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar people, and they will often respond to their owners with curiosity, swimming toward them and interacting with them.

Axolotls can also recognize their owners’ voices and will often swim toward them when they hear them speaking.

It is clear that axolotls are capable of recognizing their owners and forming a bond with them.

If you are considering getting an axolotl, you can be sure that you will have a loyal and interactive pet that will recognize you and form a bond with you.

axolotl smiling and laying down by moss balls

It is an incredibly rewarding experience that will bring you and your pet closer together.

A bond with your axolotls is essential for a successful and enjoyable pet ownership experience. Creating a strong bond with…



Ryan Chilton

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