Does Our Mind Need a New Operating System Just Like Computers?

Foteini Ntelopoulou
6 min readApr 5, 2024

By the end of this century, humans will undergo such profound morphological and physiological changes that they will scarcely resemble their present selves.

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Bionics designer Hugh Herr suggests that humans are on the brink of inhabiting new forms that blur the boundaries between the natural and synthetic realms indefinitely. Presenting his groundbreaking concept of “NeuroEmbodied Design,” developed at the MIT Media Lab, Herr envisions a future where our bodies are enhanced to a degree that fundamentally reshapes human capabilities, potentially elevating us to superhero status. Herr predicts that by the end of this century, humans will undergo such profound morphological and physiological changes that they will scarcely resemble their present selves. He envisions a future where humanity transcends its current limitations, allowing us to soar to unprecedented heights.

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The Hilarious Upgrade of Human “Operating Systems”

Picture this: in a world where humans can upgrade their “operating systems” just like computers, the process becomes a hilarious, over-the-top affair.

The Upgrade Clinic

Instead of visiting a doctor for medical check-ups, people queue up at “The Upgrade Clinic” where they can choose from a menu of quirky OS upgrades. Options include “Zen Master 3000” for enhanced relaxation, “Einstein IQ Booster” for instant genius status (with a side effect of absent-mindedness), or even “Disco Inferno” for those who want to inject some funky dance moves into their daily routine.

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Technical Difficulties

Of course, no upgrade process is complete without its share of glitches! Imagine people walking around with unexpected quirks after a botched upgrade — like suddenly speaking in Shakespearean English or uncontrollably bursting into song like a Broadway musical.

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User Manual Woes

After upgrading, humans are handed thick user manuals filled with convoluted instructions written in a mix of ancient hieroglyphics and emoji. Hilarity ensues as people try to decipher how to operate their new features, often resulting in unintended consequences and chaotic situations.

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Customer Support Chaos

Need help with your new OS? Good luck navigating the absurdity of customer support lines staffed by eccentric characters who offer advice ranging from the absurdly practical to the downright nonsensical. (“Have you tried turning yourself off and on again?”)

Operating System Fashion Trends

Just like fashion trends, certain operating system upgrades become the latest craze. People flaunt their new OS features like status symbols, leading to ridiculous competitions and social hierarchies based on who has the flashiest upgrades.

The Ultimate Upgrade Showdown

Finally, imagine an epic showdown between competing OS upgrades, with humans engaging in bizarre challenges to prove whose operating system is the superior one. Think of it as a cross between a reality TV competition and a circus act, complete with wacky stunts and outlandish costumes.

In this whimsical world of OS upgrades, chaos reigns supreme, but laughter is never in short supply!

The Analogy of Comparing the Human Mind to a Computer

The analogy of comparing the human mind to a computer is often made to understand certain aspects of cognition, but it’s important to recognize that they are fundamentally different entities.

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While computers have operating systems (OS) that manage hardware resources and provide a platform for running software applications, the human mind operates through the complex interactions of neurons, neurotransmitters, and various brain regions. The human brain doesn’t have a literal “operating system” in the same sense as a computer; rather, it has evolved complex neural networks that govern perception, cognition, emotion, and behavior.

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That said, there is ongoing research in fields like neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and artificial intelligence aimed at understanding how the brain works and how its functions can be improved or augmented. This research might involve developing models or frameworks to better understand cognition or creating technologies to assist with cognitive processes, such as memory enhancement or brain-computer interfaces.

However, the idea of replacing or upgrading the human mind with a new “operating system” akin to a computer OS is more speculative and raises significant ethical and philosophical questions. The human mind is deeply intertwined with our sense of identity, consciousness, and subjective experience, making any notion of a complete replacement or upgrade highly contentious and fraught with ethical dilemmas.

In summary, while the human mind doesn’t have a literal operating system like a computer, there is ongoing research and exploration into understanding and potentially enhancing cognitive functions. However, any comparisons or attempts to equate the human mind with a computer should be made with caution, recognizing the profound differences between the two.

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A “new operating system” for humans could refer to a significant shift or transformation

Metaphorically speaking, a “new operating system” for humans could refer to a significant shift or transformation in how we perceive, understand, and interact with the world around us, as well as how we process information, make decisions, and adapt to changing circumstances. Here are a few metaphorical interpretations:

Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence

Cultivating mindfulness and emotional intelligence could be seen as akin to installing a new “operating system” that enhances self-awareness, empathy, and the ability to regulate emotions. This metaphorical OS upgrade might lead to greater resilience, improved relationships, and enhanced overall well-being.

Lifelong Learning and Growth Mindset

Embracing a mindset of lifelong learning and growth could be likened to upgrading our mental “software” to continuously adapt, evolve, and acquire new skills and knowledge. This metaphorical OS upgrade fosters innovation, creativity, and personal development.

Cognitive Enhancements and Neuroplasticity:

Leveraging neuroplasticity — the brain’s ability to reorganize and form new neural connections — could be metaphorically interpreted as installing a “flexible” or “adaptive” operating system. This metaphorical upgrade promotes cognitive resilience, facilitates learning, and support recovery from injury or trauma.

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Collective Intelligence and Collaboration

Emphasizing collective intelligence and collaboration over individual achievement could be metaphorically seen as transitioning to a new “networked” or “collaborative” operating system. This metaphorical OS upgrade fosters cooperation, innovation, and problem-solving on a societal scale.

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Ethical and Moral Frameworks

Strengthening ethical and moral frameworks could be likened to installing a new “compassionate” or “values-driven” operating system. This metaphorical upgrade promotes ethical decision-making, social responsibility, and a sense of purpose and meaning.

These metaphorical interpretations highlight the potential for personal and societal growth and transformation by adopting new ways of thinking, behaving, and relating to others. While they may not be literal operating systems in the technical sense, they represent powerful metaphors for conceptualizing and pursuing individual and collective development.

