Does Your Writing Style Matter?

I will tell you how your writing style matters and attracts readers

Anwar Ali
2 min readNov 5, 2023


Photo by Jake Young on Unsplash

Writing is good, but the main thing is keeping a reader’s attention on your article. If a reader comes to read your writing by judging the title, then the main thing is if he/she reads the whole write or leaves by reading some lines.

I analyzed many writers on Medium. They focus on writing catchy headlines and the most important thing is their writing style.

“Every Writer Has His Writing Style”

There are many writing styles and writers often use them.

  • Some use the Line Method. Line Under Line to build Suspense
  • Some use to write shorter para’s to keep the reader on write
  • Some use catchy Headings so the writer looks awesome

Well, How Does Your Writing Style Matter?

If you’re consistent on any writing style and your readers love that, keep on that. Because your reader always loves to read your write with your writing style. And also a reader expects that from you. If your writing needs a small improvement then so do otherwise keep on that.

Improve Slowly You Writing

If you want to improve your writing style then improve it slowly. If you suddenly change your writing then it will make the read boring for a reader.

So take small steps to improve it.

Always Love Your Write And Writing Style

Don’t think about who will read your writing. Always make sure that firstly you love your writing then the people will love it. if you’re writing something then write it with passion, write it with love, write it with willingly.

Build Your Writing Style

If you don’t have any writing style then you should build it. Because a reader always loves a mannered writer. If your writing is unmannered then no one will be going to read it.

So, build your writing style.

In the end, I will suggest you focus on your writing style which will make your writing more engaging and more attractive. Then everyone will be going to love it.

And The Main Thing Is To Keep In Mind

“No Writings Are Boring”

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Anwar Ali

This is Anwar Ali. Who loves to write and share his thoughts and imaginations || || Buy a Coffee for me to support