Don’t Ask Me To Be Your Friend

Why connecting on social media can be frustrating

Kathy Brunner
Published in
8 min readMar 8, 2021


Photo by Alec Favale on Unsplash

Animals seem to instinctively know if other animals will be a friend or foe.

And once children are out of their “it’s all about me” phase they seem to make friends with ease and often without expectations.

But, adults, well adults have so many more issues surrounding friendships and all have become glaringly more obvious especially since this Pandemic.

Adults have experienced years of friendships that have come and gone and often have somewhat skewed perceptions about what friendships should be like.

As adults, most of our friendships likely have roots in common interests with others. We may make our friends through work, our neighborhood, our hobbies, and even through our places of worship.

Earlier perhaps we made most of our friendships through activities our children have taken part in or groups we joined.

But now, having so many venues shut down or reducing our ability to connect in person making new friends is less than easy.

Right now connecting in person has been next to impossible so many of us network online in the digital environment.



Kathy Brunner

Entrepreneur/Business Coach, People Watcher, Firestarter. Create your encore career and go from Burned Out to Fired Up!