Don’t Complain, You Will Gain More

Life is a mirror. If you smile at it, it smiles at you

5 min readJul 19, 2024


Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash

Unreasonable complaints about the injustice of God will not be allowed by God; irrational blame on others will not be accepted by others.

Blindly complaining and blaming others will not only accelerate the deterioration of interpersonal relationships, but also put yourself into a painful hell.

Some people destroy themselves in complaining, while others sharpen themselves in suffering.

In fact, on the road of life, the biggest difference between people is whether they have mastered the power of not complaining.

01 Complaining is the beginning of a person’s disaster

Rob White once said:

“At any time, a person should not be a slave to his emotions, and should not let all actions be controlled by his emotions, but should control his emotions instead.”

Although each of us has negative emotions, a simple complaint can relieve emotions, but it can also bring disaster to oneself.

Here is an interesting story:

A buffalo came back from plowing the field, panting exhaustedly, and complained to the dog: “I work so hard every day, I really want to take a break tomorrow.”

The dog felt sorry for the buffalo’s plight, and turned to the sheep and said:

“My friend, I just went to see the buffalo, it was so tired, it wanted to take a day off, it’s all because the owner gave it too much work.”

The sheep said to the chicken: “The buffalo complained that the owner gave it too much work, I don’t know if other owners would treat it like this.”

The chicken said to the pig: “The buffalo is not going to work for the owner anymore, It wanted to go to another master’s house. The master didn’t care about the buffalo at all. He made it do so many heavy and dirty jobs and whipped it violently. “

Before dinner, the master fed the pig. The pig stepped forward and said: “Master, I want to tell you something. The buffalo has a lot of problems recently. You have to educate it well. It doesn’t want to work for the master anymore. It thinks the work the master gives it is too heavy, too much, too dirty and too tiring. It also said that it wants to leave the master and go to another master.”

The poor buffalo was ruthlessly slaughtered the next day.

In this society where relationships are important, the negative impact of complaining cannot be underestimated.

Perhaps a complaint you make unintentionally can turn into a sharp sword used by others to stab you in the blink of an eye.

Especially at work, don’t complain casually in front of others easily, constantly reflect on yourself, and do your job well, so that you won’t cause unnecessary trouble.

02 Instead of complaining, change

Melton once said:

“All great people never admit that life is unchangeable. They will be dissatisfied with the environment at that time;

But his dissatisfaction will not make him complain or unhappy, but will make him full of enthusiasm to make a career, and his actions will produce results.”

I agree with this.

Verbal complaints are the most useless. In the face of difficulties, only by bravely making changes can we turn the tide and change the trajectory of life.

As Romain Rolland said in “Michelangelo”:

“There is a kind of heroism that is to love life after recognizing the truth of life.”

In this world, no one is perfect. The key is how you live.

Complain for 60 seconds, you lose a minute of happiness; complain for 24 hours, you lose the many possibilities of life.

The reins of fate have always been in our own hands. Fools blame the sky, and wise men change their fate.

Only by stopping the so-called complaints can we have the energy and courage to defeat the monster!

03 Don’t complain, you win.

The ancients said: “Those who know their fate do not blame heaven, and those who know themselves do not blame others. Those who blame heaven have no ambition, and those who blame others are poor.”

People who know themselves never complain about others, and those who control their own destiny never complain about heaven and earth;

People who complain about others will be poor and unsuccessful, and those who complain about heaven will not be determined to make progress.

The road of life is bumpy and unpredictable. We cannot predict every day in the future, but we can live our own mentality, be a person, and don’t complain, then you win!

Here is another story:

There was a young man in the past, handsome, wealthy, full of talent, and had a beautiful wife and a lovely son, but he always felt that he was not happy, and complained to everyone that God was unfair.

One day when he was out, he met Buddha. Seeing that he looked sad, he asked him, “Are you unhappy? Can I help you?”

The young man replied, “I only lack one thing. Can you give it to me?”

The Buddha said calmly, “Whatever you want, I can give it to you.”

The young man said doubtfully, “I want happiness!”

The Buddha pondered for a while, and used the Dharma to take away everything the young man had. A month later, the young man was half-starved, helpless, and lying on the ground groaning.

The young man then suddenly realized, “It turns out that I have always had what I wanted, and my previous groundless complaints were simply foolish.”

As Dickens said,

“A sound mind is more powerful than a hundred kinds of wisdom.”

Those who hold on to resentment will never be able to embrace the sun of tomorrow.

How to face life with an optimistic attitude is a puzzle that each of us needs to solve.

French writer Thackeray said:

“Life is a mirror. If you smile at it, it smiles at you; if you cry at it, it cries at you too.”

People who love to complain see only suffering, but they don’t know that the joys and sorrows of life are just embellishments of life. Only by consciously accepting and daring to change can the road of life become smoother and smoother.

Hi, I’m Lin. I write about living healthier and mindfully. To see my stories pop up on your feed, I’d love for you to follow me (Lin). And, to have stories sent directly to you, click the link below.

