Giving | Charity

Don’t Give Back — Give

Make it a gift, not a payback

Jacquelyn Lynn
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2020


Photo by Jerry D. Clement; text added by Jacquelyn Lynn

When kind, generous, service-minded people do charitable work, they often say that they want to “give back.”

And I think: Why not simply give?

To me, “giving back” means returning something. It means I have something that was loaned or given to me and I’m giving it back.

But most of the organizations I support with my money and time have never given me anything except the privilege of helping them, so I’m not giving back. And I think that’s the same for most of the people I know.

Am I doing some language nitpicking here? Maybe a little. But accurate language is important.

To give back is to pay a debt. I’m not in debt to the non-profit agency that helps families in crisis, but I want to help it accomplish its mission. I’m not in debt to a friend who is recovering from surgery, but I want to take them a meal or help in some other way.

I don’t give back. I just give.

Have I been on the receiving end of kindness and generosity from friends and strangers who didn’t owe me a thing? More times than I can count.



Jacquelyn Lynn

Inspirational author, business ghostwriter. Need some great quotes? Get “A Book of Proverbs: Wisdom of the Ages” free. Download at