Don’t Just Survive Your Job— Thrive! A Guide to Finding Your Ideal Career

Secrets to discovering your ideal career!

Lucia Pan
5 min readMar 27, 2023


Building a good career path is essential for achieving professional success and personal fulfillment. A well-planned career path allows us to identify our strengths and interests, set achievable goals, and gain the skills and experience needed to succeed in our chosen field.

If you’re on your way searching for a career more resonates with you, I’m here with you! Today I brought my tips on finding an ideal career due to my experience in the past five years.

I truly believe that creating a great career path is crucial for both professional success and personal happiness. A fulfilling career path can also provide a sense of purpose, self-esteem, and financial stability.

Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash

1) Job and Career are not Necessarily the Same:

When it comes to finding your dream job, it’s important to distinguish between a job and a career. A job is more like a way to earn money, while a career is a long-term pursuit that is aligned with your passions, values, and goals. Your “job” can be your career, but not necessarily; it can also be your creation, research, lifestyle, impact, etc.

More intuitively, you can also build your career with a portfolio of “jobs” or “tasks” and define your way to advance.

2) Focus on Day-to-day Tasks instead of Titles:

When it comes to finding your dream career, it’s essential to focus on the day-to-day tasks of a particular job rather than simply the title. I fall into the same pitfall often when applying for a job.

A job title may sound impressive, but if the associated tasks don’t align with your interests and values, it may not fit you.

Think about the skills you enjoy using and the tasks that you find fulfilling. Do you enjoy working independently or as part of a team? Are you interested in analyzing data, solving problems, or working with people? By focusing on the day-to-day tasks that come with a particular career, you can gain a better understanding of whether it’s the right fit for you.

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3) Record your Time and Energy:

Back to my experience, I had a hard time looking for passion. One day I noticed that the best way is to subconsciously find when I spend my time and energy.

The same as finding an ideal career: recording your time and energy can be a powerful tool in helping you get your ideal career. You can gain insights into your habits, productivity, and overall well-being by tracking how you spend your time and energy throughout the day.

Especially, record the things that you can preserve easily, and those spark joy; you are very likely to discover a unique path from it.

If you’re interested in ways to find passion, check out my blog below:

4) Think Big:

One of the critical factors in finding your dream job is to think big and be ambitious. Don’t limit yourself to a particular industry or role; explore different opportunities that align with your interests and values.

It is also essential to be open to pivoting and changing directions if necessary. Your dream job may not be what you initially imagined, and it’s okay to reassess your goals and make adjustments along the way.

This can involve taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone, but ultimately it can lead to a fulfilling and rewarding career. Additionally, seeking guidance from mentors or career counselors can provide valuable insights and support in your job search journey.

Like Steve Job’s “Link the dots,” it is always okay to change and pivot your ways to live and succeed. Your effort will pay off in the end; keep doing “the good” and enjoy your journey.

Photo by AB on Unsplash

5) A GOOD Career is not Necessarily Ideal, let alone Perfect:

In my personal experience, I realized that a good career is not always ideal or perfect.

It’s easy to get caught up in finding the perfect job with all the perks and benefits we envision. But in reality, no job or career is without its challenges and drawbacks.

It’s essential to prioritize what truly matters to us in a career, such as satisfaction, personal growth, and a positive culture. Sometimes, a GOOD job may still require a certain extent of compromises or sacrifice of certain things, but it can still provide us with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

6) You Have More than Enough Time:

It’s important to remember that we have more than enough time to find a career that suits us. The process of finding the right career can be daunting, and it’s easy to feel like we’re running out of time or falling behind.

But the truth is, we have our entire lives to explore different paths and discover what indeed resonates with us. It’s okay to take the time to gain experience, try new things, and even make mistakes along the way.

Each step we take is an opportunity for growth and self-discovery, leading us closer to finding a fulfilling career. So, take a deep breath, trust the process, and know you have more than enough time to find the right path.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

7) Degrees and Certifications do not Matter:

What you can do is far more important than where you learn it.

Regarding finding a career that suits you, degrees and certifications are not the only things that matter.

While they can be helpful and necessary in certain fields, they are not the be-all and end-all for a successful career. It’s also important to consider your personal interests, strengths, and values when exploring different career paths.

Take the time to reflect on what truly motivates and excites you, and seek out opportunities that align with those passions. Networking and gaining practical experience through internships, volunteering, or side projects can also be valuable in finding a fulfilling career.

Ultimately, it’s about finding a career that allows you to use your unique skills and talents to make a meaningful contribution to the world.



Lucia Pan

Life-long learner / journey to ideal life -- Freelancing, Productivity and Lifestyle. You can work with me here: