Don’t Learn Anything First: The Unexpected Path to Success”

Discover the Power of Learning How to “F” Up.

Karl Cutler


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The issue I encounter is persistently attempting to rectify something that hasn’t yet materialized, and if you’re similar to me, you’re likely doing the same. No one desires to err; it’s rare for someone to exclaim, “Oh boy, golly, I’m thrilled that I Fugged up,” because we typically associate mistakes with negative outcomes. Usually, a mistake is the reason we fail to achieve something, and our objectives are invariably linked to success. Then, in retrospect, we wish we had acted differently; hindsight shows us alternative paths we could have taken. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t operate that way. Perhaps occasionally luck may favor us, but to truly discover what works, making mistakes is essential.

I often find myself beginning a plethora of new projects, none of which progress far. I’ve realized that this stagnation is due to information overload, analysis paralysis, and a dash of imposter syndrome. This blend creates a highly relatable phenomenon cocktail. Therefore, I encourage you to ponder this question:

Have you ever embarked on something only to be overwhelmed by the “before you start” information?

