Don’t Leave Trader Joe’s Without These Five Items!

No trip to Trader Joe’s is complete without these products in your cart

Geri Shumer
4 min readOct 9, 2020


Photo by Geri Shumer

Granted, I am a little Trader Joe’s obsessed. And, as I have mentioned in earlier articles, I am not sponsored or in any way paid to promote Trader Joe’s or any of Trader Joe’s products. I just love the whole concept of the store, the friendly workers and the overall customer shopping experience.

Since I talk about it so much, it may appear as if I shop there every week, but that is definitely not the case. Especially during the pandemic, I am lucky if I get there twice a month. So, when I do go, I make sure I stock up on five key items that I simply can’t live without.

I wanted to share these items with you, as I always find other articles or blogs about Trader Joe’s to be very helpful in discovering great finds. Many times, they are items I would normally pass right by and would not even give a second thought to purchasing.

So, here is my list of items that you will find in my cart every single time:

  1. Organic Corn Chip Dippers — As soon as I pop one of these in my mouth, I am instantly transported back to my childhood in the 1970’s. These are just like Fritos, but I am not embarrassed to buy them in 2020! They have that satisfying corn chip taste, but are organic — made with just corn, sunflower oil and sea salt. Of course, these are the perfect snack to eat as is, but, they are called “dippers” for a very good reason. They go perfect with guacamole or any other kind of dip and, sometimes, if I am really in the 1970’s mindset, I pair them with tuna and just forgo the Wonder Bread altogether. (I may have lost alot of you right there, but I know my fellow Gen X’ers will get my reference!) Another good use for these is a crunchy topping for a taco salad. I highly suggest always buying two packages, as I guarantee you that once you open the bag they go pretty quickly!

2. Belgian Butter Waffle Cookies — I once almost had a panic attack when they moved these to a different shelf! Luckily, they were not discontinued — just relocated. These all-butter Belgian biscuits are similar to a Nabisco Lorna Doone but much thinner and lighter. My favorite use for them is to complement an ice-cream sundae. The thin wafer is the perfect topper to visually complete the dessert. But, it is not just decorative — it is delicious too! I love to crack it into little pieces with my spoon so every mouthful of ice cream gets a little sweet crunch. I literally can’t eat ice cream without one. Another great way to enjoy these is to spread a little Nutella or some of Trader Joe’s Cookie Butter right on top. Heaven!

3. Candied Pecans — I will not look at the nutrition facts on these addicting babies, as I know the “candied” part negates any of the health benefits of the “nut” part. To be perfectly honest, I feel guilty eating these, but I just can’t help myself. I use them in the ice cream sundae I mentioned above; in salads — such as the Arugula Farro salad I wrote about previously; and in brownie and cookie recipes. They also are delicious mixed in yogurts. One of my favorite ways to use them is in my “Banana Parfait,” which is quite simple to whip up. It is just one sliced banana, a half handful of mini chocolate chips and a half handful of the pecans, layered evenly between clouds of Trader Joe’s Whipped Cream. A little healthier that an ice cream sundae and just as satisfying!

4. Mexican Style Corn & Quinoa Salad — This gem can easily be overlooked. Located in the refrigerated section with the pre-packaged salads, you need to give this a try. It has all the elements of a great grain salad — quinoa, brown rice, kale and crunchy cabbage — blended with the smoky taste of Mexican street corn. The cotilja cheese and the cilantro dressing elevate the flavors and, overall, this tasty salad makes a hassle-free lunch that you can look forward to eating. The package says there are four servings, but, I would say three is more reasonable. And, not only is this a great lunch, but, add a sliced avocado to the salad and top it with grilled chicken, salmon, or shrimp, and you have yourself a quick, healthy dinner.

5. Steamed Chicken Soup Dumplings — While the above choices are my personal top picks, my daughter had to throw in one of her own. She was recently introduced to these at a friend’s house and they have since become a staple in my own. Honestly, I don’t see the hype, but, she is a huge fan and apparently so are all her friends. Basically, they are dumplings that contain chicken filling AND chicken soup. It’s like eating a bowl of soup inside-out. There are 6 in a serving (which is the whole box), and they are only 250 calories in total. Not the healthiest, but not bad for a snack or a quick lunch.

So there you have it. I hope the next time you are in Trader Joe’s you pick up one — or all of these products — and give them a try for yourself. I’d love to hear if you like them as much as I do and if you have found other imaginative ways to use them.



Geri Shumer

Foodie, travel enthusiast and dog lover. Available for writing projects.