Don’t Let Anyone Stop You From Reaching Your Goal

We get let down, but that should make us stronger and lead us to success down the road.

Patty Torres
4 min readAug 25, 2020


Photo by Tegan Mierle on Unsplash

Have you ever been told that you can’t do something or you're not good enough? I know I have, and I have learned that sometimes you have to hear that to learn that you are capable of so much more than what you think.

Ok, Here is the thing.

I believe that there is perfect timing for everything. Sometimes we wrap ourselves in this fantasy world where we think that by looking at someone's life that is “perfect” that they are the happiest in this world and we just want to be that person. We want to all live a great life like no other. If you want to live a great life from what you may see on TV or celebrities is that really happiness? Well, start by setting that goal and actually working for it then.

How about stop daydreaming and looking into reality and look below my recommendations.

Finding a Balance

I find that if we find a balance we can handle so much more that we think. Having too much on your plate can cause rushed decisions and could lead to failure. Sometimes we have a tendency to act before we think and then later down the road we find those mistakes and that's when people judge real quick and tend to say hurtful comments that then let us down and then have that mentality that we can't do something or achieve that goal we wanted. When finding a balance you will just know, it just comes to a sense where everything just works out little by little. Trust me, you will just simply know. It’s an action plan that we practice for it to come all in one.

Also, starting with little goals and balancing one by one that is key. Because once you can manage your “little goals” they will turn into bigger goals later on.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Build a Real Goal

Being great at something makes an increase and impact that chances are that people will value you as a person and your work. Always start small to grow big later on. This is something I have learned and it's OK to have big goals in life, but also be realistic. We can only do so much, it is possible but not impossible. We only make it impossible because we tend to listen to others and not ourselves. If you want to do what you love then go and do it. Don't let that stop you, instead of feeling down show them you can do that and so much more then what they thought you were not capable of. Then they have something good to really talk about!

Again, a real goal that is possible is something you can work on to later down the road and have that success you have been wanting for so long. Sometimes by reaching for a big goal, chance are it will stress you out and make you stop reaching for it. Always start small to grow BIG.

Stay focus, stay motivated but have a real goal that you know it's possible to grow and lead to success.

Be You, & Let it be your Happiness

Lastly, I find that being you and letting whatever goal to be your happiness is key. Because at the end of the day you want to be happy and remember you matter and not everyone will agree with you and you can't please everyone. It's important to know that the goal you may choose, it's your goal and you are working hard for you and not everyone around you. I find that this tends to be an issue because we are focused on what will people say and that tends to distract us and not achieving that goal we wanted to begin with. And it's ok if they tell us we can't do it or were not good enough. I have learned that sometimes you have to hear that to learn that you are capable of so much more than what you think and prove them wrong!

At the end of the day, you are the one reaching for that goal and success, for those who don't agree will be asking you for advice later.



Patty Torres

“Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise” Beauty, Lifestyle, & Video Creator on YouTube.