Don’t Let The Goal Overshadow the Process

That’s where the fun lies

Steven-Paul Graham
2 min readApr 5, 2021


Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash

Seth Godin’s book, The Practice, made me totally re-evaluate how I perceive my goals related to my work.

Goals are so great to have, however sometimes they actually get in the way of us appreciating the progress we make every single day. We get so tied up in trying to accomplish our end goal today, that we neglect to enjoy the intricacies that get us there.

No one becomes successful overnight, no matter how much it might seem that way.

Why do you write, paint, sculpt, engage in sport, or otherwise do what you do? Is it strictly to marvel at your finished work, or is it to enjoy the process of defining who you are through your work overtime?

When we focus on the outcomes of our endeavors, we can forget to enjoy the process that actually leads us to our desired ends. Don’t get me wrong, the ends mean something, but not everything. The road by which we travel to get to where we want to go is just as important as getting there.

For the road has no guarantees. Your desired outcomes are not promised. You are not guaranteed the recognition, admiration, or compensation you desire as a result of taking on your work. But they are only possible by engaging in the process in the first place, and so that’s where our focus should remain.

Every. Single. Day.

Actually doing the damn thing.

Those who are truly great at what they do, don’t always focus on their biggest achievements, but the small ones that no one else was there to witness. Because The small ones make the larger ones possible.

So you see. You should fall in love with truly doing what you do and not what you think doing it will bring you.

Because the purpose lies directly in the process. The process of creating, shipping, and reworking our creativity is exactly what we should appreciate.

