Don’t Make These 5 Mistakes When Making a Wish to a Genie

Akanksha Pandey
Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2023


Photo by Diego F. Parra

The next time a genie knocks on your door & asks you to make 3 wishes. Make sure to get rid of these 5 things from your wish, so that you don’t get tricked—

  1. Greed

I remember a story where this person wanted to have more money and wealth than his neighbour.

His wish was fulfilled.

But as the guy gets rich, the neighbour gets more richer.

This keeps happening and the guy loses all his wishes. Whenever someone has made a wish out of envy. It has always worked in the favour of the person that you are envious of.

So keep your wish simple and focused on what truly matters.

2. Envy

I remember a story where this person wanted to have more money and wealth than his neighbour. His wish was fulfilled.

But as the guy gets rich, the neighbour gets more richer.

This keeps happening and the guy loses all his wishes. Whenever someone has made a wish out of envy. It has always worked in the favour of the person that you are envious of.

3. Lust

Generally in stories, the genie targets someone who is desperate and gullible & more likely to make a mistake while making the wish. So as people give into the lust of power and fall into the trap, their wishes end up creating more problem than solutions.

Wish for the things that empower you, without letting the power corrupt your intentions.

4. Ego

Some characters take it up to their ego and want to be known as the person who didn’t fall for the trickery of the genie and made the perfect wish.

So they overthink their wishes, trying to make it sound perfect and non-ambiguous.

Basically, they end up complicating a simple thing and things still don’t go the way they wanted.

(Afterall the genie chose that person for a reason, no matter how smart they are)

5. Anger

Making a wish when you are angry is like tossing a coin into a stromy sea — you can’t predict where it will end up. Characters filled with rage often make wishes that lead to regret because they aren’t calm and collected enough to read the fine print.

Genies are old and wise & pissed off due to centuries of captivity. They are resentful of those who exploit them. They build up a strong hunger for generalized revenge.

And the petty mortal who forces them to grant wishes is a suitable target.

So the genies do grant the wish but they do it in such a way that the wisher would be sorry for or get retribution for the greed that showed in their wish.

Signing off
— Akanksha (आकांक्षा)



Akanksha Pandey

Just tinkering with all things history, psychology & business.