Don’t Publish With Us if You Write for Illumination

With only 4 stories published, I cannot call myself a Writer

Nikhil Meshram


Photo by Oliver Ragfelt on Unsplash

I am a new writer. I just found myself in books, words, and verses, after wandering around machines. The pandemic has brought a little courage in me to express in words and be one of the most daring free voices. But being unemployed, brought me a question. Do I really need it? I definitely want to, but is their a need? I was hesitant to step in.

I have come across Medium at the start of this month (August 2020). And that somehow settled the itching question. I found Medium, the platform to express the best of you, follow incredibly talented writers and learn how to improve while posting your own writing.

The publications are there to help writers amplify their voice at much bigger audiences besides the curation provided by Medium itself. So I decided to start a journey.

I was added to some publications, which provide an opportunity for new writers to begin and grow in this expansive literary and information space. Illumination is one of them. It is the first publication I was published in. Very responsive, professional, and kind to give mentorship in their Slack workspace.

I wanted to diversify my portfolio, and amplify my reach to grow my audience through…



Nikhil Meshram

Mechanical Engineer, Aspirant Author, Curious, Introvert. Latest Book —