Don’t say it, but say it!

How desperate can some ladies be?

Pretty Lady
3 min readApr 20, 2024


Photo by Mathilda Khoo on Unsplash

The worst thing that could happen to anyone is to have a female friend who is madly in love with some dude who doesn't even care! And I am talking from experience.

Christine and I have been friends since childhood, and we have a lot in common, except that she easily falls in love with the opposite gender, especially if the dude tells her first; I guess you’re surprised, right? Because that is exactly how it ought to be. A guy is supposed to do the talking and confession of feelings and all.

Still, in my friend’s case, if she really likes a guy and the guy isn’t noticing her or there is no possibility of the dude showing any sign of interest in talking to a pretty lady, she would confidently walk up to the guy and say it.

I mean without shame! Ewwwww!

Wait! Before you start throwing stones at me, I would like to clarify the fact that confessing your feelings to a guy first doesn't make you less of a woman; all I am saying is that even though I like a guy to the extent of falling for him, I would never make it too obvious!

And instead of walking up to him, I would rather make him notice me and fall DEEPLY in love with me. With that, my dignity and pride are conserved.

However, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and so, do whatever pleases you or better still, follow your instincts. Just do what works for you if you don’t agree.

Having someone like Christine as a friend who easily falls in love is quite embarrassing.

I am sorry for saying this, my love in case you stumble upon this story ( I hope you don’t! Lol). I feel so ashamed whenever she does that. One of the reasons I think this way is because She had a crush on a guy some months back.

She summoned the courage to tell him, but she was not just turned down ( that would have been a lot better), but after some weeks, rumors had it that he told his friends about it, and they mocked her.

Every lady deserves to be treated like a queen regardless of how far they are willing to go with the man they desire.

Ladies, listen up! Love with pride if you have to; if you need to express or confess your feelings to any man, please save yourself the embarrassment and make some findings about him. Find out if he is mature enough to have an adult conversation, and also, ensure he is not the type of person who will tell the whole world that you are stupid and lack self-respect.

Additionally, whenever you want to compliment a guy's look; his haircut, his outfit, or even how nice he smells, please be specific. Do not give him the impression that you have any intimate emotions towards him when, in reality, you're just impressed by his outfit. Because trust me, some guys cannot handle a simple compliment!

They will think otherwise and may give you attitudes before you say a word.

If you want anything to do with him, please do not do it directly; rather, SAY IT, BUT DON'T SAY IT! Say it with your actions; voice looks whenever he is around, your hair, Oh my! Did I forget to mention your looks?

Yes! Our creator has blessed us with everything we need to confuse and convince a man; however, remember to do it WISELY!



Pretty Lady

A love and psychology expert. I love writing, it makes me happy.