Don’t Trust Your Indoor Thoughts

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2 min readJul 14, 2024

Imagine you’re sitting in your living room, staring at the same four walls. Your thoughts swirl in familiar patterns, ideas recycling themselves endlessly. This is your indoor mind, a mind confined by your immediate environment. What you may not realize is how much your surroundings shape your thinking.

Step outside, wander through a bustling city or lose yourself in the vastness of nature. The world suddenly feels bigger, and so do your thoughts. The larger your environment, the more expansive your ideas become. It’s as if your mind takes on the dimensions of the space around you.

Sometimes, you outgrow your environment. You feel the walls closing in, the sameness stifling. It’s a sign you need to move, to change your surroundings. A new city or even a different country can breathe life into your creative spirit. Imagine the endless possibilities, the new experiences waiting just beyond your current horizon.

Big cities, in particular, offer a canvas teeming with color and life. They bring you face-to-face with people from all walks of life, each carrying a unique perspective. Conversations spark new ideas and fresh angles you never considered. The diversity of thought fuels your own creativity, pushing you to see the world differently.

When you immerse yourself in a new environment, your thoughts adapt, evolve, and expand. The energy of a city, the serenity of nature, or the charm of a different culture — each setting molds your mind in unexpected ways. You begin to dream bigger, think more freely, and see possibilities where before there were none.

So, trust not the thoughts confined within four walls. Seek out new horizons, and embrace the unfamiliar. Move, explore, and let the world outside your window shape the world inside your mind. Your environment is the catalyst for growth, and the bigger it is, the greater your ideas will become. Let your mind roam free, and watch as your creativity flourishes.

I am a writer, artist, and speaker, exploring the intersections of spirituality and personal development. Follow me on Instagram and subscribe to my blog for daily news, updates, and insights.




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