Don’t Turn Your Life into a List of Regrets

Patricia Rosa
Published in
Feb 18, 2021


I’ve never written a Bucket List. Sure, I enjoyed the movie but that’s not the point.

Don’t focus on some bucket list, when life is happening now! Don’t spend your time checking things off a list when your children are growing up right in front of you.

If you’re going to chase some crazy dream, why not include the family? Do you think the skydiver will be there with you by your bedside when you’re dying?

No! He’ll be pushing someone else out of a plane to their death. At least if your family is with you, you’ll all go together.

Don’t focus on things, when the people who’ll remember you are right here? Focus on moments and the things you can’t replace.

Enjoy the journey, because you know where the destination ends with your bucket list don’t you?



Patricia Rosa

Blending boomer work ethics in an online world. Editor of The Workplace Journal and the Pet Cafe