Don’t underestimate gender balance in your organization!

Gender-balanced companies tend to perform better.

Sajitha Pathirana


The world is composed of men and women. Hence the same composition should be in smaller units of the society. If you take a community, it should be composed of both males and females to move forward. Men play a different role and Women play a different role in society which we have inherited from our ancestors, from the pre-historic era up until now. Hence each gender has a unique way of thinking and handling situations and so on.

Photo by Leon on Unsplash

Today, I thought this is a good topic to share a few of my thoughts with some facts, to bring your attention to the necessity of gender balance in an organization. When it comes to our theme, I would like to focus more on software companies.

Before we proceed, let me bring some facts from one of my favorite subjects “Psychology” to reveal differences between males and females, their thinking patterns, and how they make decisions and look at the world.

  • Women have strong memories of emotional events than men do.
  • Men excel in motor skills while women in analytical and intuitive thinking.
  • Men tend to do a better job at tasks that need hand-eye coordination.
  • Women can pull information from…



Sajitha Pathirana

A Test automation enthusiast, passionate to help the teams to enhance their testing journey with his decade of experience in the field.