Don’t Wait, Pursue Your Dreams Now

The clock is ticking, make a difference

Anne Hope


Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

I became a widow at a young age. My husband died of testicular cancer when he was only 27, leaving me with a 5-month-old daughter.

I had been married less than two years. I hadn’t even learned how to be a wife. Now, I was now a single parent. My dreams were shattered. My boat was rocked. And the future was terrifyingly uncertain. I had no idea how to go on.

But I did. One day at a time. Sometimes, one hour at a time. Eventually, I began to look forward instead of wallowing in the past.

It’s intriguing to look back and realize I most likely would never have taken the paths I took if certain events had not happened in my life. Desperation can make you seek new and higher ground or it can drive you to the bottom of the ocean.

The waves of life can certainly seem overwhelming at times. Some people swim. Some people merely survive by treading water. And some people sink.

I didn’t want to be any of those. I wanted to surf! I just didn’t know how. But I did know that I didn’t want to just sit by and let destiny happen. I learned very quickly that not making a decision is actually making a decision.



Anne Hope

Author, speaker, singer/songwriter, former sports writer for a Chicago newspaper…inspirational thoughts to encourage personal growth and faith.