don’t you ever beg for love

Published in
4 min readFeb 3, 2024

don’t you ever beg for love

because if they don’t like you for who you are

they don’t like you

photo by author

if they interrupt you every time you speak

smile at their friends and ignore you

pretend as if you don’t exist

yet hold your hand and compliment your eyes

when you’re the only person they know in a crowded classroom

they don’t like you

they just don’t want to be seen as the loner

after all being nice to the outcast

beats out being the actual outcast

you don’t have to pretend you’re someone else

change who you are

skip lessons

roll your skirt

buy mascara with your mum’s credit card

just to make them like you

because they’ll never like you

if they don’t like you as you are

don’t ever think you’re not good enough

you were made that way

if you cry after every conversation with them

because you know you’re not wanted

the feeling of abandonment melting the iceberg behind your eyes into a glistening river of tears

flooding your mind

your intestines

your muscles

your skin

if you bite your tongue the moment lessons start

until it bleeds

that tinny taste of blood radiating through your crooked spine

if you pick your nails when you’re alone in your room

until they’re bright red

trying to push the pain from the pits of your heart to the tips of your fingers

because the pain of the wound on your thumb is so much more bearable than the pain of the gash in your soul

if you stay up all night


overthinking that something you said

came across as weird

not even mean

just weird

you don’t like them

you still hang on

tag along

sit quietly

stare at your shoes

even when you know you don’t belong

it’s not like you lack self awareness

you know everything

you’re not daft and dumb and stupid

you know everything

but you still hold back tears

pretend everything’s fine

pretend you never knew

why are you doing this to yourself

because you don’t want to be that girl

that wretched little creature covered in fresh bruises

sitting alone at lunch

everyone feeling sorry for her

everyone staring at her

but nobody actually talking to her

she’s like a lab rat

for everyone to examine

the adverse effects of being lonely

the name of the experiment’s called

you’ll never guess what happens next

one day she’s staring at her plastic knife

trying to cut through that dry tough piece of chicken wrist

the next day

a flurry of lip gloss and mascara plop down on her usual table

they laugh they smile they gossip

like nothing’s ever happened

you were horrified

so you chose the invisibility cloak

with your eyes closed

you try sitting with that group at the corner of the cafeteria

you thought they were nicer

turns out it’s all the same

you’re not wanted

they’re just too nice to ignore you

because they know you’re pathetic

you try switching schools

turns out it’s all the same

you don’t belong anywhere

that’s when you realise

it’s not them it’s you

and you wonder

am I ugly

am I annoying

what’s wrong with me

why am I that unlikable

why don’t I deserve love

then it hits you

they fucking bully you

for carrying your bag with two straps

you’re a fucking lost cause

you punch them in their grubby little mouths

filled with the shit they talk about every day

their breath atrocious despite having gum in their mouths 24/7

you get suspended but it’s worth it

they punch you every single day anyways

how is it fair that you get in trouble but they never do

you unfollow their asses on instagram

remove them as followers for good measure too

so much for worrying that posting book reviews made you seem weird

so much for trying to be aesthetic

trying to be them

you unroll your skirt

it hangs below your knees

fuck it who cares

you sit in every lesson

taking notes as you go

so what if you’re a miserable nerd

you throw away that tube of mascara the moment you get home

it’s been two weeks

people point and stare now

they giggle and laugh

like you’re the newest zoo exhibition after that girl

the gargoyle surrounded by the flutter of white doves

you hold your head high

the tears never come

because you don’t give a flying fuck anymore

don’t you ever beg for their love

they don’t deserve you and your smile

life’s gonna get better

life doesn’t last anyway

you’re not the lab rat in the cafeteria

wait till the day you graduate

you might find friends in the office

you might


you might

you might not

but you still might

and you cling on

to that false hope

you dream about them reminiscing about school life in the reunions

desperately needing an escape from reality

from their acne scars because of the full faces of foundation they used to put on every single day

you lick your lips at the thought of you and your billionaire besties

with your shiny hair and glowy skin

laughing at the gaggle of monstrosities who think they’re so cool

for peaking in high school

their credit cards full of debts

their rickety desks full of unpaid bills

their rusty old doors splashed with red paint

that’s your only driving force

to trudge on with life

to not die

for now




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